The Sewing Program
The Sewing Program was started by Alicia, who lives in house #71. She is an amazing seamstress and selflessly took time away from her own projects and ability to earn money in order to teach others a trade.
Our awesome volunteer, Janet, has taken The Sewing Program to a new level by helping to expand the number of students and also helping them earn money by selling products they make in the US. The women learn how to sew in our seamstress trade program and then many of them begin working in the workshop in the Community Center to make items to sell.

In the sewing class, many people learn the trade and then can get a better job. For example, in a factory, a person is paid better if they know how to use a sewing machine. Or someone can set up their own sewing business, or simply work on things in their house – there are many families that are able to make the curtains or something for the beds in their own home. Or they can put a sign outside their house that says “I repair pants” and things like that…that is extra money that now enters the household and can help the families more.

How can you help?
If you would like to help our sewing program, we can always use donations of fabric, but even more, we can use volunteers who are willing to sell our products at their organizations, churches, communities, etc. We have great seamstresses and all the money earned from the sales goes directly back to them!

The blessings I’ve received by having the privilege of being the sponsor of the sewing trade are immeasurable! These creative ladies spend time learning sewing techniques and projects to earn money for their families, yes, but it is so much more. We share our lives, our families, customs, struggles, ways we can help people, and our love for each other, and God. They have grown in confidence and are very grateful to BAM for the opportunities available to their families. They have become businesswomen! I have learned so much from these beautiful women and they have enriched my life. Like them, I am very grateful to be involved with BAM and all the ways they make an impact on EVERYONE!