Psychology Services
Individual and group counseling for people of all ages at the BAM Community Center.

BAM has a team of 4 psychologists that work at the Community Center and offer many services to all of our families. The psychologists offer individual counseling as well as various group workshops. They have workshops for teens, group family counseling, a drug/addiction program, a workshop for the scholarship students and a promotion of values course.

Psychology Program Highlights
Family growth and strengthening program
One very impactful program that the psychologists run is our welcome course for new families. All the families on our home waiting list participate in an 8 week course where they are separated by age groups. The goal is to generate a healthy environment within the family and set every family up for success. Some of the topics that they discuss are communication within the family, nutrition, the importance of education, discipline of children, how to be a better partner, addiction within families, managing finances (how to save, take out loans, etc.), bullying, and many others. The families always have very positive things to say about this welcome course and begin to experience a profound transformation before even receiving a house. Many have said that their lives, family dynamics, and way they view themselves changed during this program.
This workshop is offered for both children and adults. The participants practice identifying and strengthening the awareness of fundamental values, with the purpose of applying them for peaceful coexistence and healthy personal development. They discuss values such as honesty, friendship, tolerance and respect.
Promotion of values workshop
Workshop for Scholarship Students
This course was designed especially for our teens and young scholars. The purpose is to provide tools for their emotional self-care and the practice of healthy behaviors that contribute to personal and social well-being. They discuss things such as resiliency, self esteem, emotional health, addictive behaviors, and finding purpose in life.

I am the psychologist, Martha Quirino, and I work in the psychology department of the Community Center. This has allowed me to accompany children, young people, and adults through difficult processes in their lives. We have cried, laughed, and celebrated each stage together. Great satisfaction arises when patients manage to improve their emotional health, heal wounds, forgive, overcome, and leave behind traumatic situations. They have learned to love and respect each other.
Thank you for helping me improve as a person with the free psychology sessions. I sincerely came looking for help due to situations that hurt me and that made me not want to carry on. Thanks to the amazing person who is my psychologist, I have taken a lot of the advice and I feel stronger. I really thank the sponsors very much for this generous gift that has helped me gradually overcome the bad times I’ve had. Now my sponsors and the Community Center have become like my family. There are not even words to express the great affection I have for them, truly, thank you for supporting me in the good and bad.