The Meal Program
Through the BAM Meal Program, we feed 200-300 children every day at the Community Center.

We now serve over 46,000 meals a year!
The children who eat at the Community Center often don't receive proper nutrition at home and greatly benefit from a warm meal in addition to their classes and activities.
The kids come to the Community Center happy because they are welcomed with a plate of food, so they have the energy for the day. You have to remember that when you’re hungry, you can’t learn. That is why I am grateful for the Meal Program.
Community Subleader, BAM House #70
How the meal program began
Before we began this program, many kids were coming to the Community Center hungry without receiving proper nutrition at home. Our leaders noticed this and wanted to do something to help.
The initial Feed the Children program was started at our old Community Center by a generous donor, Michael Howell. When Mike first became involved with BAM, he wanted to do whatever he could to help. We told him that the leaders had just asked us if we could start a program to feed the children who were coming hungry to the center each day. He jumped in and began sending funds each month to support.

Since opening the new Community Center, the program has grown immensely. We have a team of cooks who were all hired from our BAM houses. Moms from the community also generously volunteer their time to help prepare food for all the kids and clean up after. We also provide meals for the men and women that volunteer at the Community Center.

Another Miracle...
When we sent Mike this picture of the kids eating at the Community Center to thank him for starting the meal program, he asked us about the boy who was praying. When we told him that the boy’s name was Alexis and his family was on the waiting list for a home, Mike said that he wanted to sponsor his home since he was giving God thanks for his food.