Before and After Homes

Each BAM family is given a dignified, 500 square foot, 3 bedroom home, complete with insulation, stucco, and drywall that is built to last for generations.
These families typically lived in a one room shelter with a dirt floor, all family members sleeping in the same bed, a hole dug in the ground for a toilet, and an outdoor tub with a hose to bathe, do dishes, and wash laundry.

Their new home has indoor plumbing, a real bathroom, and a kitchen! The parents and children can now sleep in their own rooms and they are able to take a warm shower for the first time in their lives.

The difference is tremendous. They are warm, safe, and dry. They can begin to look past daily survival and really focus on bettering themselves and their families. They gain confidence and a new outlook on life.

See the difference!




I lived in a house built of scrap wood, it was falling down. I was always cold, when the rains came we got sick a lot with the flu and we would cough from the dust. My house was completely in the street and people could see inside it, they could see everything. I put sheets up so that the air or the cold or anything else could not enter inside the house. When it rained, well, it would stop raining outside, but droplets kept falling inside. The kitchen would sink down into the ground and so would the bed where my son, husband and I slept. We all got wet and everything got wet and we put trash bags on our feet so that they wouldn’t get wet. It was very sad; it is very sad to live through that, honestly. I lived it, I suffered through it. When someone receives a BAM house, it is a blessing, it is a huge blessing because it changes your life…you don’t get sick anymore, you don’t get rained on or spend your time being cold. You aren’t constantly worried that the rain is going to come into your house or that the air and dust will come in. None of that, it is really beautiful.
Maria Antonietta
My house was very bad, it had a lot of holes in the roof and water came through them and also through the bottom of the house. So, during cold weather, we were very cold and during hot weather, very hot. We had our bathroom outside on the corner of our land and if it was nighttime or if it was raining, we had to go out there to go to the bathroom…if it rained, we got up to move the furniture and cover our things so they didn’t get ruined.

Thank God, we were blessed with our BAM house, and our lives underwent a 360-degree change. We went from all living in one room to having a warm house where each of us has our own room. We feel very happy and grateful for the BAM institution. Receiving this blessing motivates us to continue striving every day to grow as individuals and help others if it is within our means.